Friday, July 14, 2006

Picture Yourself

Journals don't have to be full of words. So many people who have taken part in the New Century Notebook Project have writen to me about drawing, pasting in pictures or tokens from their day.

A journal doesn't even have to be in a book.

So many techniques can be created from just the thought of recording how you feel. Do what suits you!

I can't draw for peanuts ... but I was pretty pleased recently with my feng shui journal board ... and I find it gives me both support, focus and a sense of where I am going with my writing ... You could just as easily do this in your journal regularly ... It makes a change from using words.

Try something new this weekend people!

This is just a small section of the whole board ... but you get the idea ...

1 comment:

Pamela J Weatherill said...

The besuty of using a collage is that you don't need to draw anything yourself!!! :-)