Sunday, February 26, 2006

Physical Day Today - No Writing

I needed a break from writing. I could actually feel the need to do more physical things this weekend and that ended up with me sorting out all my books (and bravely putting aside a huge box of books to give away).

"I have a strange relationship with my books"
I had to sort and re sort bookcases then shelves within bookcases. I did a really poor job of the same task a few months ago when a bookcase broke on us (beyond repair believe me!). I found myself getting more and more uncomfortable about the order of my books and the status of the cases ... so there you go ... all done. Time for a walk with the dogs ...

Writing can wait (and this is not procrastination). At least I don't think this is :-)


Pamela J Weatherill said...

Now that's what I like ... people with their priorities clearly on blogging ha ha!

Anji said...

I couldn't bear to part with any of my books!

Pamela J Weatherill said...

Hey anji - I find it easier to part with them when I give them good homes ... it is amazing how people respond when you give them a book you know they will love and it is from your personal shelf ...

Besides ... if I DIDN'T do that ... I would not have room in the house for anything else (not even chocolate!!!). :-)