Writing a journal without having an idea what you want to get from it is kinda like taking a forest trek without a map or compass and then wondering why you keep going in circles.
There are as many reasons for writing a journal as their are journal writers. What is important to remember however is that the style that you write, how often and what you do with the journal after you have written in it, will all be determined by the reason you were writing in the first place.
Let me start with:There is no one right way to write a journal.
Then go on to:Whatever you write, it will have an impact on you in some way, so it might as well be something useful and positive.
Some of the basic journal types are:
Health journals - including exercise and diet dairies.
Well being journals - psychological, social and emotional well being which raise your EQ. Including Sarah Ban Breathnach's Gratitude journal.
Reflective practice journals - for study, pondering life and spiritual matters and your reading or your work and careers.
Creative journals - for all artists and wanna be artists, writers etc. An example is Julia Cameron's Morning Pages.
Recording journals - to record your life, your decisions, aspirations and dreams. These commonly have lists, and charts and photos as well as scribbling.
What you want to get from it will determine how you write, where you write, how often, on what and what you do with what you have written.
If you have been keeping a journal for awhile now, take stock for a moment and think about your purpose. And are you getting there or have you been a little lost lately?