Saturday, February 17, 2007

Madison Town ... circa 2007

Those of us bloggers with partners in real life know about the compromise... you know the one? The one where YOU want to blog, and work on your latest writing project ... and THEY want some real life interaction with you ...

We have a solution in our household! A suitably addictive hobby for my man! AND .... (drum roll) ... one that feeds my creative nature as a writer at the same time ...

Stuart has joined the millions of guys around the world that spend their time, dollars and other resources into setting up a model train and associated landscape and village! Now I must be honest here - if I wasn't so damn addicted to the writing work I do, I might even be tempted to join in (which would defeat the purpose I alluded to in the beginning) ...

While he has just started this hobby recently it was a long time in the wishing! We finally broke through the resistance, visited our local Hobby Shop and there HIS addiction began.

Madison Town has begun - and I must say its sparking all kinds of creative responses in me ... While I am not heavily in to the train part of it, I insisted that the landscape needed some people models to populate it ... and now .. I find myself writing the inner lives of the little OO size model people sitting on park benches in a vilage that is just beginning ...

But I'll stop there - non-writers will be sending the men in white coats over soon if I carry on ...

The best bit? I'm here blogging away ... and Stu is happily engaged in creating Madison Town ... where Jimmy is sitting under a tree wondering whether the couple on the bench are going to move soon so he can sit on it while he watches the trains go by ...

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