Saturday, March 11, 2006

Writing By Hand

It has been interesting being without the computer for a few days. (Do notice how I can be all positive about it now I have it back!). Writing by hand is such a different experience don't you think? My daughter and I were talking about it today - I was mentioning that my handwriting is terrible (she disagreed which was nice of her!). I learnt to print in one country - then we moved to a totally new country and they had already learnt to hand write. Well of course it was really difficult to pick it up ... and just as I was starting to get the hang of it we moved and I had to move schools again. I have always sort of played around with how I write. I can write in quite a few different ways quite comfortably ...

"What I can't do is write by hand for long periods of time."

I suspect that with the advent of cpmuters as the main source of writing these days I am not the only one who can't write for a long period of time without getting a really sore hand .. and then a "I can't be bothered" attitude to go with it. I even write my letters on the PC (tho that is rare with most people having email these days anyways).

There is a difference in what I write or perhaps what I think about as I write when I am in front of a screen or in front of a blank page. What about the rest of you? Do you notice a difference? There seems to be this pressure to have everything 'just so' on a screen. When you hand write that pressure just isn't there ... and I am sure I am more creative by hand ... if only I could still write for hours on end ...


Anji said...

My hand hurts too much if I try to write for too long

Pamela J Weatherill said...

You're right there Jeannie. I find it quite amazing that there is so much difference in WHAT and HOW you write depnding on the mechanism you use ...